Topic 2022

Why the topic of the conference 2022 is "The era of library transformations and the new ecology of life"?

Today is the time when university libraries around the world are proving to be very sensitive and responsive to the attempt of destruction of fundamental human values, rapidly changing technological developments, social challenges, and emerging teaching, learning and research paradigms.

The evolutionary trajectory of the university library in the historical context in recent years demonstrates a bright surge of changes caused by digitalization. Effects of digital transformation and communication related to social spheres, including education and serious threats to public health are changing the mindset and roles of libraries.

We recognize that the ecosystems in which we work, study, research and spend our personal time are connected to other ecosystems. And the new ecology of ecosystems guides us not only towards the introducing innovations in library and information activities, but also towards extending the life of the resources that we already have, towards creative solutions in giving a “second life” to valuable information from library collections, towards repurposing and reorienting our spaces, towards rethinking and transforming library services.

It is also about openness, accessibility and inclusiveness. About the meanings and practices of open science and open education, about open educational resources, about everything that allows libraries to support the new eco-concept "borrow-use-return".

We are in favor of the eco-systematicity of products and services for the benefit of everyone, our communities and nature!

Dear colleagues, let us talk about it!